

  1. 答:Piano playing technology sort is various, plex, need to spend long don't interrupt the repeated practice. But in the practice process, there are several important link is we should be in a beginner will note and master, formed the good habit for future practice not only the solid foundation, also can help us in the process of studying the piano to improve efficiency and quality.!
  2. 答:Piano playing technology sort is various, plex, need to spend long don't interrupt the repeated practice. But in the practice process, there are several important link is we should be in a beginner will note and master, formed the good habit for future practice not only the solid foundation, also can help us in the process of studying the piano to improve efficiency and quality.
  1. 答:CheEr concerning Nineveh piano piano practice in the value of etudes
    Abstract: an excellent pianist, and have the skills and skill and profound understanding of music. With the increase of the piano, also etudes, and attention. CheEr is poser and pianist, is famous in his piano piano etudes the study status is irreplaceable. Based on the analysis of his piano etudes, let us perceive him to learn of his music and the importance of etudes.
    Keywords: CheEr Nineveh, Etudes, Learn the piano
  1. 答:带着有点疑惑的心情,今天终于看了这部十分经典的电影。 其实通过简介,知道内容有点”离奇“,原本想看的是《钢琴教师》却无意点中了这部电影,但现在看来,确实很不错! 看完影片,脑子里不断回放里面那些动人的钢琴曲,里面的音乐确实很能打动人心,即使女主角从头到尾没有说过一句对白,但里面的钢琴曲确实传出了她的心声!没有对白,只有音乐,或许更能引起观众的共鸣,引起无限的遐想! 这部电影对女主角来说,演技方面的考验确实不小,但我个人挺满意的。霍利•亨特的眼睛确实很会说话!全部电影,她的表演很稳,角色很完整!其实深究,这个角色的内心是十分复杂的,平静的外表下掩盖着的如大海一般深邃,广阔。 至于男女主角间那段“??”的爱情,请原谅我确实不知道该怎样形容。一切有钢琴开始,一个琴键换一个欲望,难得男主角想得出来(其实应该是编剧),爱琴之深的女主角竟然答应了.欲望无限扩大,在最后时刻终于打动了女主角,钢琴之恋由此开始。可惜高潮部分过得太快太匆忙。最后,恋情得以成全,钢琴坠入大海,一切都有了“新生”。 这是一部平静而又不平静的电影,一部令人深思的电影。 你要的是中文 还是英文 英文要多少字,我帮你写就是了
